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Preparing A Home for a Photoshoot
Entire Home
Turn ALL lights on​ including lamps, stove lights and under cabinet lights if any, and kitchen sink lights
Turn Ceiling fans off
Open all shades and blinds
In Every Room
Remove clutter and personal items​
Remove rugs and bathmats
Clear off all surfaces (less is more!)
Remove all knick knacks
Clear front of refrigerator (magnets, papers, etc.)
Hide pet toys, bowls, and beds
Vacuum, mop, clean carpets
Wash windows, counter tops, and mirrors
Replace blown lightbulbs
Remove Scales​, towels and robes from the back of the door
Remove Toiletries from sink
Toilet lid down
Rugs/Bathmats out of sight
Mow lawn​
Fresh Mulch
Clear yard of debris
Hoses away
Cars out of driveway
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